
3809 Broadway
Everett, WA - 98208




(833) 950-2616


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  1. Jun 28, 2022

    This place has became so rude to the people with disabilities and the authority now that they have over people where customer complaints and nobody is in charge of any workers at any social security office. They cut people off without any notice. Even if you request a copy of proof that your dropping off papers in a timely matter they will not give you any proof. And will not give any appts to people.This office is the worst.

  2. Jan 19, 2021

    I need to make an appointment a.s.a.p and can my sister be with me at my appointment

  3. Jun 24, 2020

    Hello, I would like to schedule appointment for my father Jose Gonzalez. He is interested in retiring this year would like to know his options. Thank you.

  4. Apr 16, 2019

    I don't know how they train employees at this office but all I do know is that I have been treated absolutely horribly by this office on multiple occasions and by multiple people. I have had the roughest few years of my life and they have managed to make things so much worse than they ever needed to be. I have been put through a review that is going on 3 years now, and at a time in my life when things have never been worse. After having had stomach surgery and dealing with the constant digestive issues that it has caused with numerous food intolerances (including dairy) , losing vision in one eye (which requires a full thickness cornea transplant if I ever hope to see out of that eye again), a biopsy proven diagnosis of Celiac disease, having had a bone marrow biopsy because doctors can't seem to figure out why I have constant infections and migraines (although they suspect a previous concussion and vision problems play a role in the migraines), sacroiliitis, multiple cysts in both wrists that also seems to puzzle doctors, and now even a suspicion of early onset Alzheimer's which I have the genes for and runs in my family and a whole lot more...they decided I'm now better and can work again and the jobs they think I can do are Bakery Helper (No joke, they actually put in writing how someone with Celiac Disease who can't even be in the same room as flour would have no trouble helping in a bakery), Dairy Helper (are they just trying to be funny now or openly mocking me?), and...because this makes total sense...Crate Opener, as in furniture...seriously? I've got all the paperwork in the world to prove the absolute ridiculousness of it. And if that isn't bad enough, they keep messing up my benefits which are supposed to be continuing through the appeal, and more than a year and a half later still are 'working on it' whenever asked about the status of my daughter's benefits that she hasn't received since 2017. If that isn't bad enough, they have bullied and talked down to me on multiple occasions, as if I am a spoiled child or something, and my husband has had to go down to the office and speak to the supervisor on multiple occasions because of how they have treated me. I get that there are a lot of people who abuse the system, but the mountain of medical evidence I have is more than enough to at least ensure I get some common courtesy. How does an organization get away with so much blatant rude and snotty behavior in a time when society is so against bullying behavior? I now also have proven Atherosclerotic vascular disease of the coronary arteries and I have no doubt that it has been worsened by the amount of stress they have put me through. Stress on a heart that has the kind of family history that mine does (everyone on both my mother and father's sides of the family has died from heart problems, one just a couple weeks after birth, another in her 30's and several in their 50's, with heart events much younger...and both parents have had major heart surgeries including a valve replacement) is not only not recommended, but it can actually cause life threatening complications and has been proven to make heart problems much worse, if not bring on heart attacks and actual death. As if the medical evidence I have isn't enough, they actually forced me into a medical exam of their own. Upon arrival the doctor tried to have my husband wait outside, and when I said I wouldn't consent to any exam without him present, she told me I could leave. So we turned to leave, but a few steps out, she changed her mind and said he could stay as long as he didn't say anything or touch or help me in any way. During the exam, she literally pushed me past what I was physically capable of doing or could not do due to pain and I literally broke down into tears because of the pain she forced on me. She actually mocked me and asked me why I couldn't do this or which I replied, that I would like to know that myself and isn't that her job? Then she wrote things in her report that were outright lies... like that I had no trouble getting onto the exam table, when I actually did struggle, but aside from that she was writing things down with her scarf around her face and back to me as I did so she never even witnessed it. My husband, who actually did witness it, is also in shock that these people can get away with these blatant lies. Isn't this considered some kind of perjury? I'm ready to start a full official lawsuit against these people...this is how bad it has gotten and I am not someone who does this kind of thing. In fact, even though I was rearended and the kid who did it sent a long letter to his insurance company swearing that there is no way I could have been hurt, and the insurance company also tried to bully and intimidate me stating that there wasn't enough damage to my car that I could have been hurt (this is when my head was smacked into a bar poking out of an headrest that gave me a concussion), and they were completely unaware of the fact that a police officer had actually witnessed the entire accident, I still did not seek a lawyer nor did I sue, stating that as long as everyone acted like grownups, we shouldn't have a problem. I was also completely up front and honest with them about the fact that I fell off of a ladder a month later so couldn't be sure which injury related to which accident after that point. This is the kind of person I am. Someone who understands that everyone has bad days and gives chances for people to make amends, who goes back into the store to pay for items that are missed in checkout, who even returns all extra items with a phone even when they were not asked for and who attempts to do the right thing even when it isn't the easy thing. It sure would be nice if someday actual honest people and grown ups who know how to speak and act like decent human beings inhabited public offices too, wouldn't it?

  5. Apr 12, 2016

    I just wanted to take the time to thank the entire staff at the Everett office! Had to take my mom (who's in a wheelchair) in today to take care of some business and witnessed a lot of negativity about the wait, issues etc. During these challenges I did not witness one employee (even the Security Guard) lose their cool or professionalism. It takes a lot of discipline and courage to work in a place where almost everyone gets 'hostile.' Thank you for you service!!!

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****IMPORTANT: Social Security offices are offering more in-person appointments and have resumed in-person services for people without an appointment. To avoid waiting in line, they strongly encourage people to use the online services at or call them to schedule appointments in advance rather than walking in without an appointment.

The Everett Social Security Office determines eligibility and pays benefits to those entitled to survivor benefits. Determines eligibility and pays benefits to the entitled legally blind. Determines eligibility and pays retirement benefits to those entitled aged 62 and older.Hours:
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday Closed

Top Online Services on

You can go online at: for the following services. You can take care of these things without making an appointment at your local office.

Apply for Benefits
- Apply for Retirement Benefits
- Apply for Disability Benefits
- Apply for Medicare Benefits
- Appeal a Decision

Check Your Account Information
- View Your Latest SS Statement
- Review Your Earnings History
- Estimate Your Retirement Benefits
- Check Your Application Status

Updates To Your Account
- Change Your Address
- Direct Deposit Setup and Changes
- Print Proof of Benefits
- Print Out Your 1099 Form

SSI makes monthly payments to people who have low income and few resources and are:
Age 65 or older;
Blind; or

If you are applying for SSI, you can complete a large part of your application by visiting our website at You also can call us toll-free at 866-563-4595 to ask for an appointment with a Social Security representative.

Parents or guardians usually can apply for blind or disabled children under age 18. In some cases, other third parties can apply for children.

You should bring certain items when you apply. Even if you do not have all of the things listed below, apply anyway. The people in the Social Security office can help you get whatever is needed.
Please bring:
- Your Social Security card or a record of your Social Security number;
- Your birth certificate or other proof of your age;
- Information about the home where you live, such as your mortgage or your lease and landlord's name;
- Payroll slips, bank books, insurance policies, burial fund records and other information about your income and the things you own;
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of doctors, hospitals and clinics that you have been to, if you are applying for SSI because you are disabled or blind;
- Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligible noncitizen status; and
- Your checkbook or other papers that show your bank, credit union or savings and loan account number. If you are approved for SSI, you must receive your
payments electronically. Payments may be made via direct deposit, the Direct Express® card program or an Electronic Transfer Account. For more information, visit

How to apply online?
Visit and select 'Apply online for disabilitybenefits.'
Fill out the Disability Benefit Application
Answer the questions on the Adult Disability Report
Mail or take the documents to this Social Security office.

The online forms are available to you seven days a week during the following hours (Eastern time):
Monday-Friday: 5 a.m. until 1 a.m.
Saturday: 5 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. until 11:30 p.m.
Holidays: 5 a.m. until 11 p.m.

Opening Up a MySocialSecurity Account
If you paid in to Social Security or are looking for benefits, you will need to open a 'my Social Security' account. This is an online account directly from the Social Security Administration that lets you keep track of and manage your SSA benefits, and allows you to make changes to your Social Security record. My Social Security Account

Getting a Social Security Card OR Replacing A Social Security Card OR Correcting A Social Security Card
1. Learn what documents you'll need to get an original, replacement, or corrected Social Security card, whether it's for a child or adult, U.S. citizen or noncitizen. Documents List.
2. Read the instructions for and fill out an application for a new, replacement, or corrected card. Social Security Forms
3. Social Security cards aren't processed online. Print your application and find out where to take it in person or mail it.

Missing Social Security Checks or Payments
Contact the agency. The paying agency will provide you instructions on how to file a claim File the claim with the paying agency. (800) 772-1213.

Supplemental Security Income
Pays benefits based on financial need.

Social Security Disability
Public social insurance programs that replace income lost because of a physical or mental impairment severe enough to prevent a previously employed person from working. Monthly cash benefits are paid to the eligible individual with a disability and his or her eligible dependents throughout the period of disability.

SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits. People who have worked long enough may also be able to receive Social Security disability or retirement benefits as well as SSI.

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User Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do an application online for social security
Yes. You can apply for benefits online (retirement, disability, medicare). Visit
How do I apply for a replacement Social Security number card?
There is no cost to obtain a free or new Social Security Card. Get an application at this web link: Then, either mail in your application or visit your local office. Try to make an appointment before visiting your location Social Security Office.
How do I change or correct my name on my Social Security number card?
If you legally change your name due to marriage, divorce, or any other reason, you need to go to your local office.
How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits?
It is recommended that you apply for retirement benefits three months before you want your payments to start. Applying online at One or more of the following documents may be needed in order to apply online. The end of the online application will provide instructions on where to submit them. The documents we may ask for are: Original birth certificate or other proof of birth [more info] (You may also submit a copy of your birth certificate certified by the issuing agency); Proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status if you were not born in the United States [more info]; Copy of your U.S. military service paper(s) (e.g., DD-214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) if you had military service before 1968; [more info]; and Copy of your W-2 form(s) [more info] and/or self-employment tax return [more info] for last year.
How long will it take to get a Social Security card?
The Social Security Administration will mail your Social Security card as soon as they have all of the necessary information and have verified the appropriate documents. Generally, you will get your card within 10 business days from the date on your receipt.
How long would it take to get by mail my Disability Benefits Award Letter?
An award letter, AKA award notice, is what shows that a claim for benefits has been approved.
The Award letter is usually mailed to the recipient within a few months of Social Security approving their benefit application.
The Social Security office does not have an established deadline for mailing the award letters. Some claimants will get their letters even after Social Security has issued their first benefit payment or earlier than that.
The wait is longer if your case was decided on a hearing.
Apply for Benefits Here.
Can I schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment with Social Security, through your website?
No. We do not have direct contact with any of the offices listed on our website, we only provide the locations with the contact information, you must call them directly.
If I give you my Social Security Number and personal Information, can you check the Status of my case or check my application status?
No. We do not have direct contact with any of the offices listed on our website, we only provide the locations with the contact information, you must call them directly. We strongly advise that you do not provide your Social Security Number or personal information through this website or any other website. Contact your local Social Security office directly in order to obtain your case status or for more information.
What is SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children who have low income, few resources, and who are blind or disabled. SSI also provides monthly payments to people age 65 and older with limited income and resources, who are not blind or disabled.
How Much Can You Get from SSI?
The basic monthly federal amount for 2021 is the same nationwide:
$794 for one person, or
$1,191 for a couple

Not everyone gets the same amount. You may get more if you live in a state that adds money to the federal SSI payment. On the other hand, you may get less if you have other income such as wages, pensions, or Social Security benefits. You may also get less if someone pays your household expenses. You may also get less if you live with a spouse and he or she has income.
Should I Apply for SSI?
To get a monthly payment you must:
Be at least age 65 OR be blind or disabled;
Have limited income (wages, pensions, etc.);
Have limited resources (the things you own);
Be a U.S. citizen, a national of the U.S., or some noncitizens; and
Reside in one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

Exception: The children of military parent(s) assigned to permanent duty outside the U.S. and certain students temporarily abroad may receive SSI payments outside the U.S.
How Can You Apply for SSI?
You can apply for SSI by calling our toll-free number at 877-483-0689. The phone lines are open between 8 am and 7 pm. Office staff can provide more information about SSI and schedule an appointment to take your application over the telephone.

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